We are tradespeople too! We understand your business and the challenges you face.

Our founders owned trade businesses and had to learn how to grow them the hard way. We’ve worked closely with a major industry trade association and it was here that we carved out a proven track record by working closely with trade business owners to help them thrive in business.

Enter COVID-19—it is now more important than ever that we are here to help trade businesses survive the impact and forge a strong business into the future. We will work with you and help you every step of the way, from advising on funding options, right through to the completion of the business training solution that suits you.

Our programmes are built in plain English and easy to understand. No nonsense, just skills and know-how to give you what you need to move forward and thrive in business.

The Crew


Jeremy Thornton

The Professor

The guy that creates our courses and delivers the courses. Jeremy has a long history of owning trade businesses, training and supporting tradies in their business growth.

Jeremy is currently leveling up his own knowledge by completing his MBA course.